Originally posted on 7 October 2014 #LMGBlogArchive #LMGBlogArchiveProject
Visitor Finder is an initiative designed specifically to support museums to obtain and use information about your visitors to help to inform your advocacy, business planning, engagement and marketing.
“The Visitor Finder pilot provided us with valuable information about our visitors. It has already helped with reporting to trustees, informing funding applications and reviewing our marketing tactics. We are really looking forward to seeing our visitors in the context of other museums in London (and beyond) in the full version of the project”
Victoria Pinnington, Horniman Museum and Gardens
Supported by Arts Council England, Visitor Finder is the museums strand of the established Audience Finder programme that provides a similar service across the arts sector. Now fully launched, a number of museums are participating and taking their next steps to understanding their visitors. Here’s a reminder of how Visitor Finder can make a difference to your museum.
Reach new visitors – understand where the visitor development opportunities are, so you can focus your resources more efficiently
Earn more income – identify the potential among existing visitors to develop them into financial supporters
Communicate more effectively – know how effective your different marketing tools are
Develop your offer – understand how your visitors rate their experience and what they are looking for in a visit to help ensure your offer remains relevant and engaging
Engage your stakeholders – show your funders evidence of who you are reaching and impacts you are having
How it works
Together with colleagues from other London museums that form your cluster, you agree the key issues you want to know about your visitors. These issues are then shaped into a series of visitor survey questions. Following in-house, face-to-face training, and with the option of using free tablets if you wish, your staff then interview a sample of visitors over the next twelve months. Once your surveys are uploaded, you can start to see your results.
What you get
By taking part in Visitor Finder you will get access to an on-line portal where you will be able to see your visitor profile compared to the London benchmark and a detailed group report after six and twelve months will provide a comprehensive visitor picture. Working with colleagues across London’s museum sector, Visitor Finder will help you understand more about who your visitors are, what they think and what they are looking for from a visit. You will be able to see your visitor profile compared to the London benchmark through a regularly updated on-line portal, and a detailed group report after six and twelve months will provide a comprehensive visitor picture. A museum specialist from The Audience Agency will support your group in person to understand and apply the findings, and you can choose from a series of free workshops exploring topics such as digital communications, cultural tourism and economic impact.
What makes Visitor Finder unique?
Your cluster survey is determined by your particular research needs. This means museums can work towards different areas of interest with their cluster and still contribute to, and receive, a regional and national benchmark.
Because Visitor Finder contributes to the much larger audience insight programme Audience Finder, you will be able to understand the motivations, attitudes and behaviours of those attending other cultural activities in your area i.e. on a local level but also with other art forms such as galleries and theatres.
