Originally posted on 10 June 2015 by LMG Events #LMGBlogArchive #LMGBlogArchiveProject
he value of services for children and young people
Thursday 2 July 1 – 4pm Museum of London, Docklands The fourth in our series of free events that interrogate and discuss Arts Council England’s five goals, this time we look into Goal 5 – the provision of high-quality arts and cultural learning experiences for, by and with children and young people. Working with children and young people is something that all museums do, so this event will explore the strategic direction and ‘big picture’ aims of this kind of work – and how individual museum’s programmes can be developed with these aims in mind.
Time Speaker
1.00 LMG AGM
Judy Willcocks, Chair, London Museums Group
1.15 Introduction to the event
Judy Willcocks, Chair, London Museums Group
1.20 Goal 5 – An update
Lindsey Pugh, Senior Manager: Children, Young People & Learning, Arts Council England
1.50 Promoting positive change for individuals and communities
Suzanne Lee, Artistic Director, AllChange
2.20 Tea and Coffee
2.35 Looking forward to family learning
Sandra Hedblad, Senior Learning Manager & Clare Haywood, Early Years Programme Manager, Museum of London
3.05 Tin opening with dinosaurs: Museum Learning in a secondary academy
Jenny Blay, Head of Museum Learning & Megan Barker, Museum Learning Officer, The Langley Academy
3.35 Panel Discussion
4.00 Event ends
