Originally posted on 11 June 2013 by Paddy McNulty #LMGBlogArchive #LMGBlogArchiveProject
Share Academy is a partnership project between UCL, UAL and the London Museums Group whose aim is to build sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships between the higher education sector and specialist museums in London.
Share Academy is supported by Arts Council strategic funding and over the next two years support and advice will be available through the scheme, together with small grants to help broker and kick start partnerships. Partnerships should be of proven benefit to both sides and should be able to demonstrate how they can be sustained in the long term.
If you would like to consider building a relationship with a staff or students in UCL or UAL or already have one that you would like to develop further check out the London Museums Group website for some guidance about how to identify potential partners and built a good working relationship. An official call for interested parties will be issued in July 2013 and workshops for new partners will be offered in September.
That gives you a few months to get your thinking caps on about potential partnership projects – perhaps looking at areas such as branding, games design or new technologies where museums lack the skills and the HE sector lacks public engagement. Case studies of the projects run in the first round will be published on the web site and might help give you an idea of what works (and what doesn’t). Projects should be timetabled to finish in 12 months, with a final completion date of January 2015.
Judy Lindsay
Chair, LMG