Originally posted on 23 January 2014 #LMGBlogArchive #LMGBlogArchiveProject by Julie Reynolds
Object in Focus: Free short-term loans from the Horniman Museum & Gardens
Object in Focus is a three year project funded by Arts Council England to proactively loan objects out to museums and non-museum venues. Our aim is to increase access to stored collections, promote Smarter Loans and forge links with other museums and cultural organisations.

The free offer includes an object or themed objects in a showcase with lighting, transport, installation, interpretation written by our curators in liaison with you, a talk or event, publicity and general support throughout the loans process.
Objects span our three core collections; Natural History, Anthropology and Musical Instruments, and can be used to enhance your displays or as a stand-alone exhibition.
Images: Japanese shogi set and the horse’s skull are both examples of objects in the offer